
Defining health and health inequalities

Highlights • The terms health and health inequalities are often used without clear definition. • We assess the range of meanings the terms have been used to describe and offer definitions. • We suggest health should be defined as a structural, functional and emotional state that is compatible with effective life as an individual and as a member of society. • We provide a new definition of health inequalities. • Population health can be defined to encompass the average, distribution and inequalities in health within a society. Abstract Objectives To examine existing definitions of health and health inequalities and to synthesise the most useful of these using explicit rationale and the most parsimonious text. Study design Literature review and synthesis. Methods Existing definitions of health and health inequalities were identified, and their normative properties were extracted and then critically appraised. Using explicit reasoning, new ...

Smoking among female daily smokers in Surabaya, Indonesia

Highlights • Female daily smokers in Surabaya, Indonesia, smoked five to six more cigarettes per day than in past national surveys. • There was an unexpected preference for white machine-rolled cigarettes. • There may be, at a minimum, pockets of increased smoking and addiction among urban female daily smokers in Indonesia. Abstract Objectives Nationally   representative   studies suggest 1–2% of   Indonesian women (2.3 million)   smoke   various   tobacco   products daily; however, in recent years, there has been concern that the   tobacco industry   has successfully increased female smoking. Our objective was to describe current   cigarette smoking   behaviors, past quit attempts, and   intention   to quit of female daily smokers in Surabaya, Indonesia. Study design Survey. Methods Female daily smokers ( n  = 112) in Surabaya, Indonesia, the country's second   l...

Strength Training Research Studies

Strength Training Research Studies If you are interested in geeking out on the latest strength training research, then I recommend looking at studies from these top professors: The History of Strength Training I’m currently in research mode. I’ll be sharing more about how and when strength training evolved in this section. Best Articles on Related Topics Best healthy eating articles Best sleep articles Or,  browse my best articles . “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” –Socrates Footer T hanks for reading. You helped save a life. Whenever you buy one of  my books , join the  Habits Academy , or otherwise contribute to my work, 5 percent of the profits are donated to the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF). In fact, thanks to our advertising partners, even a simple act like reading anothe...

The Science of Healthy Eating

The Science of Healthy Eating Every nutritionist and diet guru talks about  what  to eat. Instead, I'd like to discuss  why  we eat the way we do and  how  we can change that. The purpose of this guide is to share the science and strategy you need to get the results you want. Now, the benefits of good nutrition are fairly obvious to most of us. You have more energy, your health improves, and your productivity blossoms. Healthy eating also plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight, which means a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart problems, high blood pressure, and a host of other health ailments. (Genetics also plays a significant role. I'm not some crazy person who thinks genes don't matter.) But if there are so many good reasons for healthy eating, why is it so difficult to actually do? To answer that question, we should start by learning why we crave junk food. Before we talk about how to get started, let's pa...

Healthy Eating: The Beginner’s Guide on How to Eat Healthy and Stick to It

Healthy Eating: The Beginner’s Guide on How to Eat Healthy and Stick to It Healthy eating. It's something everyone knows they should do, but few of us do as consistently as we would like. The purpose of this guide is to share practical strategies for how to eat healthy and break down the science of why we often fail to do so. Now, I don't claim to have a perfect diet, but my research and writing on behavioral psychology and habit formation has helped me develop a few simple strategies for building and strengthening a healthy eating habit without much effort or thought. You can click the links below to jump to a particular section or simply scroll down to read everything. At the end of this page, you’ll find a complete list of all the articles I have written on healthy eating. I. The Science of Healthy Eating Why We Crave Junk Food How Food Scientists Create Cravings II. How to Make Healthy Eating Easier The Importance of Environment for Healthy Eating How to...

The Science of Sleep: A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night

The Science of Sleep: A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night If you want to learn how to sleep better, then you're in the right place. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know if you want to get better sleep. I'll explain the science of sleep and how it works, discuss why many people suffer from sleep deprivation without knowing it, and offer practical tips for getting better sleep and having more energy. Plain and simple, the purpose of this guide is to explain the science of how to sleep better. You can click the links below to jump to a particular section or simply scroll down to read everything. At the end of this page, you’ll find a complete list of all the articles I have written on sleep

Avoiding Adult Acne

Avoiding Adult Acne Five ways to keep your skin from breaking out Won't they ever go away? As an adult, you expect pimples to be a thing of the past. But for many adults, blemishes continue to mar otherwise  healthy skin . For some people, acne may be even worse in adulthood than in adolescence. In fact, it’s estimated that one in five adults between the ages of 25 and 44 experience acne. More than simply a cosmetic problem, acne can greatly affect your quality of life, no matter what your age or the severity of your condition. If you are battling recurring skin breakouts, finding a path to clearer skin can help improve your self-esteem and body image. There is no single cause of acne, and because of this, there is no surefire way to avoid it or control it. Acne is influenced by several factors, many of which are out of your control. But the way you treat your skin does play an important role. With a little know-how, you can minimize or potentially el...